To best of our knowledge, MME-Enfras is the only company in the region which provides complete total solution pertaining to By Passing EHV Transmission Lines.Having said complete (total) solution, we must to underscore that simply possession of a or more lot(s) of ERS inventory does not guarantee an appropriate and timely solution to the requirements.Thus most of the customers in the region choose to avail our services which in turn provides a better level of comfort and relief in implementation. It is a pleasant privilege that the company had been facilitating and instrumental to make happen an ERS By Pass system, first of its kind employed in UAE to facilitate uninterrupted power supply for a 400 kV Transmission Line critical circuit.
ERS modular systems, as developed to address primarily a failed line was not exactly known in the industry (at least across Gulf) until, aforesaid application was done. MME-Enfras endeavoured to create awareness among many customers/utilities about diversified application of ERS and advantages of such use.
It may be worth mentioning, although a particular customer possessed an inventory of ERS modular system, it was found the lot fell short of certain vital elements to meet the real situation for which MME-Enfras designed substitutes/alternatives to complete the system. The debut application of such system(across Gulf region) was tailored, customized, complemented to make it complete in all respects.
Interestingly this system involved tailor made wood pole structures (Rutter pole design) and the arrangement underwent a real time test as the unexpected weather change witnessed high wind speed close to 90 kmph, eventually the By Pass arrangement sustained trouble free operation for more than two months before being dismantled.
MME-Enfras attaches high significance to optimise every age of a project whether it belongs to a permanent system (or) temporary system. Thus we offer best methods and services in respect of bidding and project management phases of a project.
Company, in association with other partners has recently embarked into EHV line maintenance including hot line repairs and maintenance (resorting to hot sticks as well as bare hand / glove methods). This includes thermal imaging, detection of clearance violation and many defects detection survey as the customer desires.
Another area MME-Enfras actively pursues is fiber optic solutions which includes retrofitting existing shield-wire or OPGW,ADSS cables as well as fiber wrapping. In depth study and engineering is performed according to customer's preferences, giving due consideration of existence features.Such studies takes care of issues such as impact on parent structure due to additions (or) modifications,working on zero (or) minimum outage,safety and security aspects etc.
Our Customers consider MME-Enfras as a solution provider to address complex arrangement, find/design substitutes to complement incomplete inventory, working with flexibility, understanding customer difficulties and in reliability. This has served as the primary reason facilitating us to enjoy continued patronage from many customers.
Various models of bidding support are offered to the customers according to respective requirements, customer's market position and command, market trend etc. This includes but not limited to following:
While bidding support aids the bidder to bid tenders, sourcing support is meant to aid contractors to implement the contract got awarded.
Scope of outsourcing we undertake depends on nature of requirements which shall include one (or) more (or) many of below:
It is simple that one needs to translate the design to reality through a media; in 2D drawing (Yesterday) converting all design information in easy construction language, or in 3D BIM Model (Today) virtually constructing the engineer's creation, enabling constructor to visualize, collaborate, optimize and extract every part to build it up in reality piece by piece.
Once the structure is virtually constructed with all living information of each of the components, it is the construction detailers ingenuity as to how to make the process easy to create an optimum required document to the fabricator and make his life better. We understand all the requirements of the pain areas of the constructors and the further process they need to take it through towards building the structural reality.
MME-Enfras in partnership with traditional collaborator's undertakes installation and commissioning activities when the customer request to do so.
Emphasis is made to certain specific or specialist activities as listed below:
The company attaches high importance to innovative concepts, products, design and services. MME-Enfras always encourages her staff members, partners to pursue innovation those would be beneficial to project, all stake holders and environment as a whole.
Such Innovative include: